Landlocked Salmon Trips
Landlocked Salmon Trips
When To Come: April through Mid-May
An Overview
In the spring (April and May) New Hampshire's landlocked salmon migrate from the depths of the regions lakes into river mouths, small tributary streams, and even some of the larger rivers. We target these fish with both streamers and nymphs and even, on rare occasions, dry flies. Salmon season opens on April 1st and we typically have our best fishing until about mid May when lake waters warm and fish retreat back into the depths of the lakes.
Katrina with a spring landlocked salmon taken from the raft!
How we fish the water
We fish for landlocked salmon both on foot and from our rafts, depending on whether the best fishing is in small or larger water.
Charlie with a Salmon that ate a Drunk and Disorderly streamer right of the bank!
While all good fishing is a combination of timing and skill landlocked salmon fishing is really all about "hitting it right". Through years of doing this fishing we are confident we know when it is worth heading out for these fish. On some years the bite might be good right on April first while on others you might want to wait a few weeks. We have the waters figured out, so if you are interested in targeting these fish let us know when you have availability and we will keep you posted on the options. For these trips we will not be taking deposits as we want to insure that we get you on the water when conditions are worth fishing.