New Hampshire Outlook
With a heavy snowpack in the mountains things are looking bright for a long and productive trout season here in the White Mountians. Snow melt has begun in earnest and the Saco and Androscoggin rivers were both right around 9,000 CFS today April 11th. With this heavy snowmelt water temps are running right around 33 degress and fish metabolisms are slow. Best fishing will be had early in the day before water levels rise. As snowmelt begins to moderate and flows drop below 4,000 cfs both rivers should begin to produce good fishing. Nate will be out of town from April 15th to April 22nd. So if you are looking to book a trip for late April or May please contact Steve at North Country Angler.
Early season Saco River Browns
We are looking forward to hitting the water later this April in search of large wild brown trout on the Saco river. We've been dissecting this early season fishery over the past couple of seasons and are excited to employ some new ideas and strategies to fool these mythical browns that we believe may reach 30". We have had some inquries for guiding over these large trout and we are taking tentative reservations but not deposits as we do not want to take people out unless we are confident that the conditions will offer us a good shot at these fish.
HCG Guide Tom Freedman with a two foot Saco River brown trout caught May 3rd 2016.
If you are interested in pursuing these fish the best time frame is from Late April through Late May when flows are between 1,000 and 4,000 cfs. We will be sure to keep you posted on what we are finding this spring.
Lake run Rainbows and Salmon
As I drove through NH on my way back from Arkansas I was happy to see our lake tributaries swollen with flow. This push of water will draw LL salmon and rainbow trout into lake tributaries where we fly anglers will have early season (Late April through May) opportunities at large lake run fish. While traditional streamer patterns like smelt are often effective. We have done even better with mohair leach patterns, sucker spawn, hares ear nymphs, and when waters begin to warm, caddis dry flies. If you'd like to book a trip to fish for these large trout please let us know as this fishing will be heating up shortly!
Client Michael Lewis with a large lake run rainbow Taken May 7th 2016.
Wild Brook Trout Waters
Over the past five years we have been exploring the vast array of well hidden spring fed brook trout streams that slither through the forests and meadows of the lowland areas of NH's White Mountains. While some of these streams require hiking we have some on private property that require less effort to fish. Since these streams are spring fed their hatches begin earlier than those in the mountain streams. Good dry fly fishing begins with Hendrickson hatches in early to mid-May and is followed by caddis hatches in late May. We are happy to report that last fall we saw many wild brook trout to 12+ inches and we are excited to see how these fish are doing this spring!
Spring creek wild brook trout May 15th 2016
Androscoggin River Float fishing
.The Androscoggin River from Errol NH to the Maine border will begin producing fish as soon as levels drop to around 3,500 cfs. This is mainly rainbow trout water with LL salmon, brown trout and brook trout also present. If you are looking to fish this river we highly recommend floating from a boat as you will be able to cover much more water in a much more efficient manner to target the rivers larger trout. Last year we saw a record number of fish over 16" with many topping 20" see below!
Massive 28" Androscoggin River Rainbow trout taken by client Charlie Houghton during the Alder Fly Hatch June 17th 2016.
Ellis River and Mountain Streams
The Ellis river and other high elevation mountain streams are often the last to turn on for spring hatches. Expect these streams to fish very well from mid-June through mid-September. With the healthy snowpack in the mountains fish will head to these thermal refuges as the bigger rivers warm. You may be surprised by the size of some of the fish you can find in these smaller streams.
Ellis River Brook trout Late June 2016.
Wild rainbow trout taken from a small mountain stream mid-July 2016.
Again, we would like to remind you that we will be out of the country until April 24th. If you'd like to book a trip for this coming season please leave us a voicemail 603-835-3358 or email and we will be sure to get back to you on the 24th. If you'd like to book sooner please contact Steve Angers at North Country Angler 603-356-6000.